
All Good Things Must Come to an End

That is to say, my semestral break.

It’s been fun, even if it hasn’t been meaningful in the slightest. I played a bit of Ar Tonelico, finished Fallout 3 and (will finish) Red Alert 3, and hell, I even started writing a bit of my own novel. And of course, anime. So I get to the actual point of the post. Now.

And now I come to an impasse – which shows to drop, which shows to continue. “Why not just keep watching them all?” one may say. Unfortunately, there are two particular circumstances that force me to drop stuff: One, school’s starting tomorrow and I need to cut down on stuff, and Two, I don’t want to waste my time watching shit*.

*shit, in this case, refers to “stuff I would prefer other things over.”

And so, the list, and a succinct sentence or two detailing its shittiness*:

*shittiness, in this case, refers to “reason(s) why I do not want to watch the show.”

Mediocrity at its finest. Unfortunately, shitty raws dissuade me from further watching this.

Of the two episodes subbed I’ve actually seen (haven’t watched ep03), the humor isn’t really all that funny anymore, even by just the second episode. Animation kinda somehow turns me off too.

Casshern SINS
Too much emo, gives off an aura of pretentiousness, all they talk about is eating Casshern, or dying. I’m sick of it all.

Kurogane no Linebarrel
I thought this show had some promise, but I guess I was just expecting too much (something better than the level of “gut-wrenching shit”) but the barren wasteland of an animation studio we can hide under the name GONZO is, well… GONZO. You know.

This list will be followed of course, by a list of the stuff I will watch, and the stuff that’s on hold. Lengthier explanations for the former.

6 Responses to “All Good Things Must Come to an End”

  1. November 11, 2008 at 4:30 am

    YQ could be a lot better, I agree. Still, I think I’ll hang onto this one.

    I haven’t seen so much as a hair of the other three in this list, and now I have even more reasons to ignore them.

    Novel writing, eh? As a jobbing historical fiction writer, I tried that myself ages ago. I finished the first volume of what was supposed to be a two-parter (I even printed a copy and had it bookbound), then lost interest in the whole project and never got beyond the drafting stage for the second volume. Whenever I write fiction, I find the research phase – digging out facts, setting out chronologies and so on – a lot more fun than the idea of actually completing a piece, so my hard drive is full of aborted stories that collectively represent years of detailed background work.

  2. November 11, 2008 at 4:34 am

    Please do me a favour and get rid of the extra “to” in the first line, second sentence. It appears that as a writer, I fail at proofreading. orz

  3. November 11, 2008 at 9:04 pm

    Done, and done.
    And I must agree – researching, or making up, the setting and ideas for the story is sometimes more fun than the story itself. In that stage, you’re head is still filled with ideas, but once you start distilling all that raw crap into something more refined (ie: the novel), it starts to get tiring at some point.
    I myself went and made a fictional timeline spanning two hundred years before the story began, but now I’m still at eight-thousand-something words.

  4. November 12, 2008 at 9:54 pm

    You know what’s better than Quartet? Quartett by Littlewitch. Just get AGTH working.

  5. November 18, 2008 at 7:38 am

    I think I agree with Hyakko, it’s not bad per se, but I didn’t find it all too funny either.

    And for what it’s worth, good luck on that novel! I’m actually not taking part in NaNoWriMo on account of having my own schedule (and missing the first week of November >_>), but I swear I’ll have something finished someday! I hope. Probably as soon as I finish Half-Life 2 (and Time Hollow and Tales of Vesperia and Snow Sakura……)

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