Archive for June, 2008


A Quick Title Change

full version of the new banner.

I’ve always had a problem with the blog’s title being “z0mgwtflol”. It felt far too immature for what I currently am right now, and changing the title has been on the back of my mind since about half a year ago. Unfortunately, I never really had anything suitable to change the title to, but as I was reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the perfect title just came to mind – “Life in Quadrant 4”.

What exactly is “Quadrant 4”? While I’m sure those who’ve read the book, at least until the third habit, would know this, I probably should explain it anyway. The book’s third habit is to “Put First Things First” – basically dealing with priorities. These priorities are divided into 4 quadrants: Quadrant 1, the important and urgent matters, Quadrant 2, the important and non-urgent matters, Quadrant 3, the unimportant and urgent matters, and Quadrant 4, the unimportant and non-urgent matters. Because this blog deals with some of the most pointless things in life (yes, anime and otaku-related stuff), as well as my immersion into all said pointless things, I felt that the title would be rather fitting.

Hopefully, this’ll stick for some time so I wouldn’t have to change the title again.


no real title.

Well, seeing as now is college applications time, I’ll be mulling over how to write essays without getting to thousand-word reports of my life story, as well as getting my ass in gear and getting first honors, basically A’s for every subject for the entire schoolyear (also known as mental suicide), as well as other things I have to do, so I’ll be rather busy. And dead-tired, considering I have both refresher courses on Math and Filipino, as well as Japanese classes on Saturdays.

On the other hand, a friend gave me his Shirakawa Nanaka figure because he had to throw her out, so yay for that. Yes, I display her that way because her legs are hot The legs are very well-sculpted. Also, thanks to a signal 3 typhoon, I’ll be having no classes, so yay for that as well. I guess I have nothing to contribute anymore, so I’ll just post a bunch of random wallpapers, courtesy of

Continue reading ‘no real title.’


ToyCon 2008 was…

This is sort of what I feel like, sans the bags and paper tube, and that rather than exhaustion, I feel disappointment.

a mediocre con. It was plagued with a lot of problems (like most cons here). Too crowded, not a lot of things to do if you’re not with a group of overly lively people (I was more or less alone both days), and so on. However, what I love about the cons here is that anyone can get a stall and sell whatever they want, as long as it’s related in some way. In the Philippines, because most collectors generally belong to a group that encompasses anything nerd-culture related, anime, cosplay, and everything else is included, so even if you’re just selling random anime merchandise, or stolen fansubs (shame on you), or old, second-hand stuff you wanna get rid of, then you’re allowed to.

Because I don’t care much for the con (cons themselves here suck in general), I will refrain from talking about the event itself. That and I forgot to bring a camera to take pictures so I’ll just leave that to whoever else writes about it. Or Google.

I’ll cut this off here because one of the three things I bought is rather not worksafe, so just hit the jump for the stuff.

Continue reading ‘ToyCon 2008 was…’


Back to School


The school season is here once again, and within the course of the summer vacation, I have not managed to write a single substantial entry. Shame on me.

On the other hand, this would be a really good time to look back at the previous spring season’s offerings, as well as anything else of interest.

For starters, let’s have a look at the shows from the spring ’08 season, plus whatever else I’ve watched recently:

Do note that spoilers and/or NSFW images may or may not be present.
Continue reading ‘Back to School’


No More Tag Cloud

Decided to remove the tag cloud in the sidebar. I figure no one uses it anyway. That, and if I do, I can finally use more diverse tags, such as series, game names, and so on, without flooding the hell out of the sidebar.

Also, have a wallpaper from Byousoku 5 cm in PNG.

edit: okay, now it’s gone – I forgot to save changes.

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