
K-ON! 01

Feels like Lucky Kannagi

I’ll skip the traditional summary, I know you all hate that. Plus Aroduc does it better.The character designs definitely give off a Lucky Star vibe. Lots of singular aspects of the show give off that Lucky Star feel. And despite that, the entirety of the show has the impression that A-1 pictures worked on the series. Anyway, lemme elaborate a little on the Lucky Star – Kannagi thing. Lucky Star had a more slow-flowing thing going on, whilst Kannagi was a very give-and-take, almost boke-tsukkomi-like relationship at times. It was quite fast and snappy.

I think the way that the show’s got a theme behind it all – music – makes a huge difference in the overall feel of the show. Rather than moeblobs talking about how they eat their Oreos and DORIRU, the club activities help tie everything up together neatly. It all feels nicely organized in some logical manner as opposed to some random event going on at random times. K-ON!’s got a lot of superficial similarities with LS – 4 characters, high school, slice of life, all girls, KyoAni. Et cetera. But as I said, it feels like Kannagi. The humor’s a lot more upfront than usual. More laugh-out-loud than giggle-giggle. Well, I CAN’T EXPLAIN IT RIGHT. It needs to be watched to be understood. It’s a good show anyway.

References aren’t very fast and furious – thankfully. I know references are cool and all, but I don’t like PPD-style stuff that basically demands the viewer to have seen every single TV program, drama, advertisement, listened to every radio station, song, and so on. Too time-consuming and too constrained to a certain audience. But I guess most anime aren’t really made for Western audiences, so whatever.

Animation is rather inconsistent. Sometimes, you’ve got some of the most awesomely done piece of animated art, but then some other times, you got these really weird blobs of color splashed around or whatever.

The music’s not so bad. Voice actors were new (at least to me) but sounded quite good in their roles. Yui wasn’t too annoyingly high pitched, thank god. All the characters are pretty likeable, and generally, the entire show is a nice, light (HAHAHA PUNS) watch.

ED was pretty cool too.

7 Responses to “K-ON! 01”

  1. April 4, 2009 at 1:28 pm

    oh man, i didn’t realize this was out.

    if i weren’t so exhausted i’d start a download.

  2. April 4, 2009 at 6:58 pm

    K-On! looks to have promise; hopefully future episodes will keep the ball rolling

  3. April 4, 2009 at 8:12 pm

    This was the only new anime of the season (or whatever’s out so far) where I felt compelled to continue watching to the next episode. Might have something to do with the very disappointing quality of the other subber groups (CoalGuys, which did K-ON! does a pretty good job compared to those new speed-sub groups doing stuff like Phantom and Queens Blade). I have a feeling Yui’s dojikko antics are going to get real annoying real soon if they don’t somehow change things around. Looking forward to the cool-looking music stuff hinted at in the op and ed. If it doesn’t happen, I’m going to feel very dejected. Also, Mio is ore no yome. (See: http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/200904/04/06/d0048206_15563681.jpg)

  4. April 4, 2009 at 9:49 pm

    Quote, Snark, The show definitely has promise, but I do hope that it doesn’t lose its momentum along the way.
    icie, Following the manga (that’s what KyoAni does best, after all), her dojikko-ness definitely gets downplayed later on. Also, Mio is MAI WAIFU.

  5. 5 moritheil
    April 4, 2009 at 10:04 pm

    It’s interesting that you bring up the image of blobs so frequently. Coupled with the animation concerns, I have to wonder if maybe the character designs were not as definite or strong in the minds of the creators for this show.

  6. 6 Kairu Ishimaru
    April 5, 2009 at 11:17 am

    Yes. This anime focuses to music. Which is kinda different than those typical KyoAni animes. So this anime is very like-able in some way that will want to make you watch it until the very end.Light Hahaha puns? Stop that.

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